Sunday, May 02, 2010

A Global Mosaic and a Half Marathon

So today at 11 a.m. central time I participated in A Global Mosaic by taking a picture of where I was and then posting it at the New York Times. Check out the pictures from today(they intend to post all submissions)*.

I happened to have just finished a half marathon in La Crosse, WI, only a few minutes behind Cousin.

Yes, Cousin rocked it.

I sort of ran out of any extra energy at mile 10 and finished in 2 hours and 14 minutes. Our goal was to be under 2 hours and 10 minutes -- she made it! 2:08!!

I was doing fine and not in any real pain, but I just didn't have the oomph to pick it up for those last three miles.

The kids also participated in some 100m dashes!

*This is an early summary of the more than 10,000 pictures they received: So far, that portrait seems to be one of surprising tranquillity. No one has to tell readers of The Times, or just about anyone else, how upended and violent the world seems to be at the moment. But our respondents tended to show moments of repose, rather than anxiety; of warmth, rather than heat. It may not constitute a “realistic” view of the human condition, but it does offer something of a balance to the images of suffering and destruction that are more often a staple of the Lens blog.

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