So our one major regret of the entire trip is not getting there a few days sooner.
Unbeknown to us, Irish weddings are preceded by days of late night parties including friends and family celebrating with music and drink, getting to know each other, and generally getting ready for the big event. Not only would this have been fun, but also Big would have gotten to know some people and been more comfortable in his role as Pageboy in the wedding.
As it turned out, he was jetlagged and slept until 11:15, not really ready for a 12:00 wedding.
Here is my brother and his two sons (the redhead was the groom) getting ready for the wedding.

Here is Big playing a little "football" before the wedding.
Once there, he refused to engage with the flower girl, but enjoyed climbing around the church wall.

He did agree to walk down the aisle (not with the flower girl), but refused to be in any formal pictures.

It was a gorgeous wedding. Ten gave a reading:

And the bride and groom (and big) were off!

An hour or so later so were we to Enniskillin for the reception at the Killyhevlin Hotel.
It was lovely.
Here is my brother and the kids feeding the ducks in the river. We stayed in a little chalet that night so that no one drove after the reception.

And an amateur photo of everyone at the wedding.

Be prepared for day three and my first attempt at creating my own map with Google Maps!
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