Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Made In China

Sorry for the hitatus. I think our lives are starting to settle down a bit. Boy is good, but sometimes turns into "Diablo" at night. I find that our days seem much shorter. Not necessarily because we are lacking in sleep (which we are, but that is another matter). It is just that we seem to spend much more time in the "sleep process" while, ultimately, getting much less sleep. We find ourselves heading to bed between 9 and 9:30, and getting out of bed around 9 (a.m. after taking the FYO to school) but only getting 6 hours of sleep.


Anyway, many bloggable obervations have been made, but none recorded.


Tonight, however, we were hanging out with Sidekick and I noticed these completely styling pink cow-girl boots she was wearing and commented on them.

Her response: They were made in China!

She had noticed a little tag on the inside seam.

Although I can definitely see Sidekick becoming an anti-child-labor activist, this is not why she made this observation. She and her parents are adopting a little girl from China very soon. She was observing that her darling boots, like her future baby sister were made in China.

All things good are made in China!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

been patiently waiting for an updated pic of the 1 month old ZeYo. . . .!!