Saturday, May 06, 2006

B(u)y The Book

Today the SYO and I went to a local bookstore to hear Kate Dicamillo speak.

Grandma had given her The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, which was a lovely little story. Grandma sent her postcards along the way (as we read the book) that depicted the rabbit's journey.

We took her copy in to have it signed and I encouraged the SYO to, if she felt comfortable, ask the author anything that she was curious about, regarding the book. To be honest, we hadn't done much research. Sure, we watched the movie Winn-Dixie and we had read the Edward Tulane book, but that was really it. And, I didn't really brief her about such an event. But she seemed interested, so we went.

We got there a little late and she maneuvered her way to the front only to come running back to me:

Someone else has a book just like mine!

Clearly, she had missed the point. There were HUNDREDS of copies of ALL of the author's books conveniently on hand for purchase.

Surprisingly, she got a question in in the general Q and A:

So, how'd you come up with the idea?

The author seemed nonplussed:

Let's cut to the chase then, why don't we?

Another book of interest was just published and contains an essay by The Other Mother. Check out Confessions of the Other Mother : Non-Biological Lesbian Mothers Tell All.

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