For the typical first grader, I suspect that their birthdays are a bit like weddings.
You look forward to them for at least 364 days.
You invite too many people.
You eat too much cake (read: alcohol for the adult).
You end up with a headache.
You're in bed by 8 p.m.
For the brother of the first-grader (bride), however, especially when you get your first shot at a juice box, the event is a blast!
[Sasha Volokh] Time to Impeach Yet?
1 hour ago
Wondering what kind of camera you use. Your pictures always look so great? Also, I was surprised to read in a previous post that you let your son watch TV. What led you to that decision?
Hi Anonymous!
I use a Canon Rebel XT. Most of my pictures are with a Tamarac zoom lense (I can't remember the numbers now. BioMom got it for me and she did all the research. It is a great lense for amateurs like myself -- a nice mix of a zoom and a wide-angle -- but sometimes it casts shadows and ruins shots).
Regarding television. This is a hard one for me. Fortunately for us, neither of our kids are freaks for TV. Seven would MUCH rather be downstairs in her "school room" pretending to be a teacher, and Big would just as well be moving -- doing anything as long as he is in motion. I find that if I have the energy to engage with them that they'd rather do that than anything else.
Having said that. . . BioMom and I do imbibe in the cathode ray tube on occasion and so I don't want to be hypocritical in my policies. Furthermore, I am not an extremist in any sense of the word. SO... Big watches occasionally on Saturday mornings (the only time Seven really watches) and once in a while when he's a bit under-the weather, we'll snuggle up together in front of Dragon Tales in the morning. Him with milk, me with coffee (if it is a good day). The particular day that I blogged about was magic.
Lastly, in all honesty, going to adult movies with BioMom and going to kids movies with Seven (and Big in the future) is one of my favorite things to do. I've got to start training him now! :-)
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