Friday, December 31, 2004

Cabin Fever

There was an ice storm yesterday. And it didn't come with all the titilation that comes with the movie Ice Storm. It was me, the Four-Year-Old, and BioMom all. day. long. in. the. cabin.


It was all actually fine until this morning. I slept in and woke up raring to make pancakes and get outside into the sunshine. I got the pancake mix from this great little restaurant we always go to on the way Up North (with a couple of pieces of pie to make the stop worthwhile). Here are the ingredients:

Flour, whole wheat flour, thick Cut oats, sugar, salt, baking powder & soda, Cinnamon & nutmeg.

I think you know where I'm going with this.

I don't LIKE these!!!!! They're BROWN!!!

And, of course, I made another tragic mistake.

I didn't WANT them all cut up!!!!

Me: I went to bed with whining and I'm waking up with whining!

She was exhausted last night by 7 p.m. I guess sitting around the cabin and playing games all day is tiring. We had hoped to introduce her to Harry Potter, but there was no doing anything but bed.

Apparently she woke up tired as well.

Saint BioMom, ever the heroin, switched out plates with her. And ate the first batch of now cold, cut up pancakes, with the syrup already poured over them.

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