Sunday, December 26, 2004


We're heading up North (even more north!) today for New Year's. I was gathering a few books last night and ran across a book of short essays that I got last year for Christmas and opened it up to find the initial scribbles of what would become "Girls Can't Marry Other Girls" or my tentative return to more creative writing.

I want to thank everyone for supporting this endeavor, especially: BioMom, Aunt-On-Mom's-Side, Cousin, and six soon-to-be-announced blog characters, Father and Mother-of-four (FO4, MO4) and their offspring, 1of4, 2of4 etc. Note that 4of4 corresponds agewise to the Four-Year-Old. I very much appreciate all of your support and regular reading. The writing has helped me keep my sanity and while possibly at the expense of my more academic writing, we're hoping tenure is secure.

Anyway, here's to more creativity in the new year and a list of my hopes and resolutions:
1. that FO4 keeps existing job or gets a new-and-improved one
2. that we get out of Iraq respectfully without leaving it a shambles
3. that we get lucky in our quest for new life
4. that we stay at the uber-liberal church and I get more involved in the social justice committee
5. that the tenure thing goes without a hitch
6. that HFRM's arm heals nicely
7. that the Four-Year-Old doesn't regress (again) in the potty arena

Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for including me in your list :)