Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Student Envy

Emails to and from one particularly confident and fun-radiating student who reminds me of a guy with whom I studied during grad school. In my next life, I want to be his girlfriend:

Him: Here it final masterpiece....enjoy the hell out of your break. I'll drink a Molson Canadian, or a Labatts Blue for you...adios.

Me: i'm already just having a blast looking over your eco308 exam. thriller.

Him: feel free to email me a test score or two if you're feeling the urge.

Me: eco308: 20 points above the mean.

Him: Cool. Thanks. Just arrived in Toronto today. Jamie and I took the train from Montreal this afternoon. Montreal was amazingly integrated. I wasn't used to all the French..forgot to brush up b4 I went. Hope you're gettin ur sheeot done and enjoying yourself at least a little.

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